Focus on SMART Business GoalsIf you’re looking for a business coach in Blaine, MN, the search can often seem overwhelming. It can be difficult to know who to trust and what you’re actually looking for in a business coach. Thankfully, Alice Pallum of AMP Business Coaching has been a business coach for quite some time and has put together a blog about some key things your business coach should be doing to help you reach success in your business.

At AMP Business Coaching, Alice likes to use the term SMART goals when working with her clients. You may be asking yourself what are SMART goals? Below is brief explanation. Contact Alice for a full in depth understanding on how this simple principle can change your way of thinking.

Focus on SMART Business Goals

S – Specific – It’s critical that clients are extremely specific with their goals. Saying something like, “I want more clients” is great, but you need to be more specific and in this example you’d want to state exactly how many new clients you wanted to add.
M – Measurable – Goals are useless if they’re not measured. It’s important to setup data points which can give you a starting point so you know whether you’re hitting your goals or not.
A – Attainable – Your goals need to be challenging, but realistic.
R – Relevant – Why did you pick these goals in particular and how do they contribute to the overall objective of your career, or your entire organization?
T – Time table – You want to have a set time table for when your goals will be attained. This can help you to ensure that you’re on the right track towards reaching your goals. It can also give you a chance to reassess if you feel like you were too ambitious or not ambitious enough when it comes to goal setting.

Ready to Focus on Your Company’s Business Goals?

If you’re ready to chart out SMART goals for your company, look no further than the experienced Alice Pallum of AMP Business Coaching. Alice has decades of business experience and has a deep passion for helping small and medium sized business set, reach and surpass their business goals. Don’t continue to mindlessly run your business. Instead sit down with Alice and chart out what your business is going to look like 3, 6 or even 12 months from now. You’ll be amazed when you actually put goals down on paper how much easier it is to stay focused and actually reach new heights in your business. Give her a call today at (612) 799-3991 to start the process.

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